CREATING A POWERFUL 30-Second Elevator Speech That Could Double…
First without a doubt what Never to do. Don’t discuss you, don’t discuss your products. In as short a statement as you can inform them the measurable results you deliver, and who you deliver these to. Don’t make an effort to inform them EVERYTHING in a single breath. Inform them something that is so getting that they have to ask you to get more powerfully, and when you react keep it brief even, keep them requesting more. So, how do you do this?
Take out a sheet of paper and create 4 columns. The first column, far left. Products, services and/or features. List your products, services and/or features down this column. For many people this has been what you have been telling the global world that you do or sell. It’s gonna change, believe me. List every single one. The 2nd column to the right. Benefits, why buy the product? For every item in the column left, directly across from each one write the actual benefit of buying that product is.
- Connecting with Clients
- See Surat Al-Baqarah (Surah 2); Surat Al-Nisa’ (Surah 5); Surat Al-Ana’m (Surah 7)
- Recruitment Costs
- The Small Business Bible; Steven D. Strauss
- Contest Bot Template
Think more in terms of bottom-line results. After you have written down why someone should buy the product to consider why someone would even want whatever it was you published down there. Keep asking oneself why, why, why until you have down to the real bottom-line of why someone can purchase your product.
The 3rd column. Why choose the product from me? For most of my clients there is someone just like them on every street corner. Just imagine that you are standing on a street corner with a huge selection of other people. They all are putting on the same clothes, same height, same skin color, same hair color. You will be lost for the reason that crowd.
Your job now could be to find why is you so different you will be “the first” person seen whenever a stranger strolls up compared to that masses. And, eventually we’ll want visitors to come compared to that street corner looking for just you. At this true point, take your best shot as to the reasons someone should need it from you.
Again, this had to be about results that someone is certain to get from YOU better. Just get something down. Then consider why would someone want this and keep asking why this over and over until you’ve gotten the right answer. After we’ve responded to the question in the fourth column, you will most probably keep coming back and change this or make it even better.
Caution: Don’t make your benefit about price, that is a dropping proposition under almost any condition, you need to find something better than that. Actually that could make you like the majority of others on that road part. The 4th column. Measurable results. This is where the rubber fulfills the road and where you will find the most effective statement for your marketing, as well as for your 30-second elevator speech.